Now playing... Lemon Demon - Geocities


click the image above if music doesn't autoplay!

welcoem to my silly profiel!!!!!!!! :3

Hello! I am bell and im very siylly black cat! i like to draww in a chibilike stylee andn i tnend to typep very clusmyy and not correcet typos.. im alwaysys wearingn my sily pingk collar withh al itle jignle bell.. thats like my signatuure look :33

my farovrite corlor is oruple..
i reallluy lioke butterflies i tihnk they're rpetty and my favoroite flower are lavendners.. (u can problably tell cuz of the webiiste lol) nmeow :3

intenral charhacteristics:
"wuzzat mean??" wer'e a diverse system so we imagiene ourservles in our head diffrently then how others see us on the oustide. though somee thigns leike gender arent physicail characeteristics anyways :3

this website is a work in progress for our system! you can find us here!